Monday, December 9, 2013

Bloods up Chemo week again

We did Gavin's bloods again yesterday and they were all up, actually a lot higher than expected so Jayne took him in this morning to see if everything was still ok to start chemo again. He is still coughing a lot and has a cold but they said he was good to go.
So day 1 done he was so tired Jayne said this afternoon and by 4pm he was asleep. He slept for another hour in the room and all the way home.
He woke and was in great form. I had to cook him a burger and also make chocolate rice crispy buns at's now 9:30pm and he wants creamy pasta's gonna be a long night but delighted he is still hungry and eating.

3.30 pm all good and awake...

By 4 he crashed out..

And now :)

Crispy buns....

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