Monday, April 14, 2014

Round 2 back in Crumlin today

We were back in today to start the 2nd cycle of Gavin's new treatment. This will be the last cycle before the MRI and CT reviews in May.

Gavin and Lucy in bed this Morning before we left. 

Gavin has put on a good bit of weight, he's actually the heaviest he has ever been which is great news. All the meatballs for breakfast and sausages (thanks Lynda) are really working and long may it last.

Gavin ran down the corridor today not a bother on him.
We received the new batch of chemotherapy on Saturday to bring with us.

So does this look toxic..

Gavin was great just watched some movie while getting his chemo. He wasn't sick thank god and we finished about 3pm which was great.

He is very tired this afternoon so he's just been sleeping on the couch since we got back. 

For the rest of this week we can give him his chemotherapy at home as they have made it up in a liquid format. We will just have to keep and eye on him and make sure he takes it all as none of it can be wasted and if spilt we will have to go back in to have it via IV.

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