Saturday, June 23, 2012

Week 1 over only 7 to go...

Week one is over..woohoo!! It has gone very quick. Gavin had Proton Treatment today as PSI was not open on Monday so we had to catch up on a day, (even though it was Saturday). Everything is going great so far, kids are all enjoying themselves and having fun which is great. Conor and Lucy seem to be in a routine now with what needs to be done every morning, (which is to not eat or drink anything around Gavin from 8.30am until we go in to get his treatment). It's so hard especially when the weather is hot but it's working so far.

We had to go into Zurich KinderHospital (children's hospital) on Thursday to bring in Gavin's bloods to be tested (this is to check his blood count to see if the oral chemotherapy which we give him every day has made his blood cells low). 
Zurich city is not designed for cars....It is a nightmare place to drive through. Even the Sat Nav got confused..never mind the co-pilot!!  Anyway we met with the nurses and doctors who were all really nice. A big surprise was that they tested and had the results of Gavin's bloods within home it takes a little bit longer:)

So the results revealed that Gavin's blood cell count was low which means we needed to stop his chemotherapy from Thursday until Tuesday and see if his levels have returned to normal. He also was complaning about the tube in his belly (super pubic cathater). The nurses also checked this as it was a bit red, the also took a urine sample. They said Gavin had a urine infection caused by the tubes. So he is now on antobiotics for 7 days. We would never have known about his bloods or urine infection if they had not been tested as he has been running around like a normal kid all week...Just shows us how strong he is. THE TANK:)

He is still very groggy for a while when he wakes every day after the sedation and can be cranky for a few hours but sure that's nothing to complain about considering what he is going through..after a few hours he is running around with Conor and Lucy which is great to see.

On Friday after Gavins treatment we brought the kids up to a playground and petting farm in Waldshut. It was an amazing place. Loads of playground stuff then goats, raindeer, warthogs and some birds which all the kids could feed. And wait for it...All the asked was that you leave a donation on your way out. Imagine a place like that at home...dont think so.. anyway great to have somewhere so close we can go to.
So just 1 day off this week tomorrow, we havent made any plans yet but we will try and go somewhere for a day trip.

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