Friday, November 15, 2013

Up early for bloods

While most people are still tucked up in their cosy beds I'm up early as always to take Gavin's bloods and drop them into Crumlin. 

I have to do this twice a week at the movement to see if Gavin blood levels are able for his chemotherapy and also to see if his white blood cells which look after his immune system are up.
For the last few weeks they have been very low.

Pictures below what I have to get ready to take Gavin's bloods. 
3 forms have to be filled out and 3 different viles of blood have to be filled.
Every detail has to be correct or else they cannot be processed. 

Gavin still has a Hickman line in his chest which is great for things like this and his chemo. Most of the time I can take his blood while he is asleep..that took a lot of practice :) 

And below after taking bloods. 
So 1 syringe I have to take 4ml first which is waste blood....and then the 2 syringe is what I used to fill the viles for the hospital to test. 
Another one to put Saline in and the last one is Heprin flushing solution which cleans the line afterwards.

And now off to Crumlin. All this before I've had a coffee:)

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