Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Update week ending 1st July

We had a pretty busy week last week..Jayne's brother Stuart arrived on Wednesday to stay with us for a few days ( a very welcomed help). He minded Conor and Lucy on Thursday and Friday morning while we brought Gavin into PSI for his treatment. They loved having Stuart here especially Conor who was very upset when he left. They were both spoilt by their uncle Stu which was a nice treat for them both.Gavin's treatment in PSI went very well last week, he still had the kidney/urine infection on Friday and his bloods were still low so no chemo again this week. He was still in great form so it didn't seem to bother him too much...nothing ever does:)On Saturday it was Stuart's last day so we all went up to a playground/petting farm near Waldshut. It's a great place for kids- big play area and you can feed the animals too like reindeer, goats, birds, rabbits and wild boar....Then on Saturday afternoon Stuart and I took Conor and Lucy to one of the many outdoor swimming pools around where we live. They are called "freebad" in Germany and most towns have at leat 1, below is a link to one near us:http://www.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.stw-waldshut-tiengen.de%2Fcms%2FFreizeit%2FFreibad_Waldshut_%2FFreibad_Waldshut.htmlThey are unbelievable....a few different size pools with slides etc and it only cost €5 for all of us...and you could stay there all day...amazing. Poor Gavin had to stay at home with Jayne as he can't go swimming with all his tubes.On Sunday we drove for about 50 mins to a town called "Titisee-Neustadt" which is located in the Black Forest. It is such a beautiful place also link below:http://www.blackforesthighlands.info/Discover/Region-Towns/Titisee-NeustadtThe kids loved all the shops and especially getting huge ice creams:)

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